Twins Ddies After Fleeting Their Room With Insecticide (Photos)


My only hope are gone. What else am I doing in this earth! Father of these my 15 year old twin girls left me because they were girls. He said he needed a boy but it was these 2 girls I was able to give birth to. 

I have been struggling, sufffering to take care of them so they will grow and prove their father wrong that girl children can achieve what their male counterparts can achieve only for Ddeath to striike me down and take them. Who do I run to. What will i be in this world doing again since my consolations are no more. My lights has been quenched... 

I traveled to another town to buy things for my business only to come back to meet Ddead bodies of my daughters. They spread insecticide and went to bed and never woke up. May untimely ddeath never take your children both born and other as you're typîng Rest in peace for my children.

Sad! 15 Year Old Twin Sisters Who Died Same Minute Buried Same Day. (PHOTOS) To every hand typing Rest In Peace untimely death will never be your portion. You will never lose your child as you do so. Amen.


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